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End remarks: Surviving the waters of change in Africa

P ulling the curtain back on this study, where my focus was directed towards Sudan's vast landscapes, as well as Madagascar's unique climate and response efforts, I believe I made it clear how large and diverse the challenges the African continent faces are (Fig. 1, 2). Fig. 1:  An African woman with her baby, collecting unsanitary water ( Oni Abimbola ) Fig. 2:  An African family using a water facility built by the African Development Bank in sub-Saharan Africa ( Afrik21 ) As mentioned, writing about Africa means considering its large populations and areas. Geographically and culturally, Africa needs a nuanced understanding, beyond the stereotypes perceived by the Western.  Outcomes from case studies We started off with an overview of environmental change and its disproportionate impact on the continent, despite its small contribution to overall carbon emissions. Sudan is a great example of a bottom-up approach, adopted by UNEP in Darfur. It shows successful adaptation t...

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